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Plan Your TED Security / Policies

Security and policies

TEDIndia is considered a separate event from TED in Long Beach, TEDActive or TEDGlobal. TED reserves the right to reject applications to attend TEDIndia. Once attendance has been agreed and payment processed, the following terms apply:

Security check

Infosys has strict regulations about security on campus, and will conduct security checks on everyone scheduled to attend the conference or otherwise enter the campus. Your passport number and name will be submitted upon registration application and everyone will be pre-screened. Once that check has been conducted we are able to confirm your attendance and will forward a confirmation allowing you to request a visa, should you live outside of India.

Note: We maintain tight security during the event, and will require a photo ID (passport or driver's license) when registering on-site. You must create a TED badge online, ideally prior to October 9, and wear your TED badge for access to all events.

Registration Policies

No refunds

We cannot refund a TEDIndia registration. The deadline has passed for transfer of membership. If you cannot attend the conference, please notify us so we can ship you a TEDGift bag and send you a set of conference DVDs.

Transfers for TEDIndia

Registrations are approved for specific individuals and may not be transferred unless:

+ We receive full details of the proposed Transfer in writing (email us) at least 8 weeks prior to the start of the conference.

+ The proposed Transferee completes an online registration application request that is approved by us. In general, he/she must be someone as equally able to contribute to the community as the Transferor. In the case of corporate transfers, the Transferee will need to be of equivalent seniority or higher.

+ We receive an administrative fee of $300 at least four weeks prior to the start of the conference. This will be charged to the credit card we have on file for the Transferor, unless otherwise requested.

In those cases where a transfer is granted, the post-conference DVDs will be sent to the Transferee.

See our Registration Policies for more information.


Logistical question? Last-minute crisis? We're here to help. Pre-conference, contact us via email. On-site, visit our concierge at the registration desk.