
The Stuff of Life
Michael Pritchard demonstrates the LifeSaver bottle at TEDGlobal 2009.

From the secrets of the biological processes in our body to the cultural constructs in our society, TEDGlobal 2011 will be a celebration of life in all its forms.
What is life? And how can it be better lived? We invite you on a journey of tantalizing mystery and thrilling possibilities at TEDGlobal 2011. During four days, with 50-plus speakers and performers from all over the world, in the energizing city of Edinburgh, we will look at who we are, what we do, and how we relate to each other and to other living organisms. We will analyze the resources, technologies and skills that make life possible and keep it going -- and the many things that make it interesting, enjoyable and worthwhile. We will explore themes that are basic to our humanity, and those that threaten it.
Browse the full TEDGlobal 2011 speaker program >>
This year's TEDGlobal will be finely woven into the fascinating city of Edinburgh, Scotland, making the most of its ancient landmarks and modern event spaces. Special activities will again include TED University, exclusive tours and visits, awesome evening events, and several new additions. These activities will be open to registered participants only.
TEDGlobal 2011 schedule (Subject to change):
Monday, July 11, 2011
Pre-conference visits and activities
Afternoon: TED University (start 4pm)
Evening: Welcome reception
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Morning: TED University (start 8:45am) and TEDGlobal
Session 1 (start 11am)
Afternoon: Sessions 2 and 3 (start 2pm)
Evening: Grand opening party and after-party
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Morning: Sessions 4 and 5
Afternoon: Session 6 and 7
Evening: Dine Out
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Morning: Session 8
Afternoon: Session 9 and 10
Evening: Grand party
Friday, July 15, 2011
Morning: Sessions 11 and 12 (end of conference: 12:45pm)
Afternoon: Farewell party
The TEDGlobal experience will include:
- A fast-paced, highly curated four-day stage program featuring TED's famous 18-minute talks, plus music, comedy, tech demos, short talks, video interludes and other surprises
- TED University: The hugely popular, pre-conference sessions (Monday, July 11, and Tuesday, July 12) where attendees share their areas of expertise.
- Optional pre-conference activities (Monday, July 11), including carefully curated TED-only tours in and around Edinburgh
- Immersive evening events at Edinburgh's most intriguing spots
- Legendary farewell BBQ
- Art exhibits, tech demos, and other experiences
- Intense conversation breaks, where attendees and speakers delve into the ideas introduced on stage
- Thoughtfully designed simulcast spaces where you can watch the conference in an informal setting
- The famous TED Gift Bag
- Online tools for connecting with other attendees, before and after the conference