
The pace of change in the world is accelerating. Physical and cognitive capabilities are expanding beyond what we thought possible. Political, environmental and economic boundaries are shifting -- or being erased. Social and cultural contracts are disrupted or re-organized. Long-held assumptions are called into question...
We are in the midst of a global remix and everything we think we know might just be wrong. Everywhere we look, there seems to be a radical transformation in the making, and a new world emerging at the intersection of once-separated realities. Technology intrudes into biology and society. Disciplines merge and cross-pollinate. Power and authority are dispersed and redistributed. Hopes and anxieties collide.
TEDGlobal 2013 will bring together those who venture to change our perspective, who ask different questions, illuminate old problems with a new light in order to find better answers, cope with ambiguity, detect the weak signals pointing to a different future, and challenge us to pause for an instant, and Think Again.
The full speaker program will be published in April 2013.
TEDGlobal will be woven into the city of Edinburgh, making the most of its landmarks and event spaces. Special activities will include TED University, exclusive tours and visits, evening social events and more. These activities will be open to registered participants only.
TEDGlobal 2013 schedule:
Monday, June 10, 2013.
All day: Pre-conference activities
4:15-6:00pm: TED University, Session 1
Attendees take the stage during this ever-popular TED institution. Hosted by June Cohen and Kelly Stoetzel.
Evening: Welcome party
Tuesday, June 11, 2013.
8:45-10:15am: TED University, Session 2
Attendees take the stage during this ever-popular TED institution. Hosted by June Cohen and Kelly Stoetzel.
11am: TEDGlobal Session 1
Afternoon: Sessions 2 and 3
Evening: Grand opening party
Wednesday, June 12, 2013.
Morning: Sessions 4 and 5
Afternoon: Sessions 6 and 7
Evening: Open Night
Thursday, June 13, 2013.
Morning: Session 8
Afternoon: Sessions 9 and 10
Evening: Grand party
Friday, June 14, 2013.
Morning: Sessions 11 and 12
Afternoon: Farewell party
The TEDGlobal experience will include:
- A fast-paced, highly curated four-day stage program featuring TED's famous 18-minute talks, plus music, comedy, tech demos, short talks, video interludes and other surprises
- TED University: The hugely popular, pre-conference sessions (Monday, June 10, and Tuesday, June 11) where attendees share their areas of expertise.
- Optional pre-conference activities (Monday, June 10), including carefully curated TED-only tours in and around Edinburgh
- Immersive evening events at Edinburgh's most intriguing spots
- Art exhibits, tech demos, and other experiences
- Intense conversation breaks, where attendees and speakers delve into the ideas introduced on stage
- Thoughtfully designed simulcast spaces where you can watch the conference in an informal setting
- The famous TED Gift Bag
- Online tools for connecting with other attendees, before and after the conference