We had a great day Tuesday. Tons of energy around emerged around the topic and emerging themes became more clear. We have an incredible engaged team and have tapped into the minds of many more TEDsters than even I had anticipated. It’s been fun (and exhausting!).
In the morning, we created a large poster that hung right outside the entrance to the main showroom (you can see in the photo) where we asked passersby to vote on how the might redefine value. This emerged from a conversation on Tuesday where we saw a clear need to be directed in how we were talking about value— beyond just monetary value.
In the afternoon, we had a very well attended brainstorm session where we populated three questions, filling in the blank after “create” with the words from the value map that garnered the most attention. The questions became: How might consumers create value through sense of purpose? How might small business create relationships? and, How might business or large entities create experiences.
Four great areas for ideation surfaced and we will dive into exploring them today. They will allow us to build on the early ideas from the brainstorms under each category, but also to begin moving towards tangibility. The four themes for today are:
Transparent Experiences
Storytelling to Connect
Purpose at Purchase
Visual Local $$ Journeys
Any thoughts you might add? Directions you might take? We’re excited to keep moving forward. #ActiveCommerce
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