Active Giving

Active Giving

Hey everyone!

We’ll be posting some of the core questions and findings we’ll be exploring over the next couple days.

Our first questions center on your behavior when you give.  

To set context: Think of giving as providing your time, money, thought, etc… to an organization or cause.

So…How do you give?

Do you give?
 If so, What platforms do you use? Do you  or someone you know not give?

How do you engage with giving – actively, passively? 
Said differently, is your giving pre-meditated or do you give when opportunities are presented (i.e. at the grocery checkout)?

Data vs Passion driven giving?
How do you weight the intrinsic value of the cause vs the quantified impact?

Do you tend to give to a certain cause in a one-off manner or habitually?
Do you find yourself giving consistently to a cause or organization?                                                                                                                 

We’d love your input, we’d love your answers, we’d love your friends’  answers.

Engage with them personally or – in the spirit of giving – share them via Twitter #ActiveGiving, Facebook, or the comments in this blog.

Looking forward to learning from  you,

The TED Active Giving Team

One Response to Active Giving

  1. Michele Mcculloch perez February 28, 2012 at 6:41 pm #

    I try to live each day in a giving way, I think about the impact I make everyday, what if today I gave nothing, so I try to live each day to help and give in some way, and I hope in a small way, I have made someone feel the way they always should” that they matter”. Most of my patients know I care for them and I want to help them, the challenges I face are, there are people who will never appreciate what you do, I say do it anyway” which is how Mother Theresa felt!! You may never change those people but , you do make a. Difference and one day you may save that person , because you never gave up on them! And we shouldnt ever give up!